Cayenne Chili Pepper

Cayenne Chili Pepper: Heart healthy food

Cardiovascular Benefits:  Cayenne is full of nutritional and medicinal values. It is high in vitamins A, C, and the complete range of the B complex vitamins. Cayenne contain  beta-carotene, a potent anti-oxidant that is rich in calcium and potassium which makes it great for the heart. There are many other types of chili peppers besides cayenne. The medicinal properties in cayenne is called capsaicin. This helps to reduce the cholesterol and triglyceride levels and also help improve circulation and keeps the blood flow smoothly through veins and arteries.  Shaking hot chili powder on food may help prevent a spike in insulin levels after meals. A small study in Australia showed that by simply adding chili to a hamburger meal produced lower insulin levels in overweight volunteers.

Impression of Cayenne Pepper

Medicinal Use and Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne is useful for arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, bleeding, high or low blood pressure, bronchitis, chills, colds, convulsions, coughs, indigestion, infections, jaundice, Stomach Ulcers, ,varicose veins, fight inflammation, Cardiovascular Benefits,  Clear Congestion, and boost immunity.

Externally cayenne is used for frostbite, painful joints, swellings,and varicose veins. When sprinkled on bleeding cuts, it will immediately stop the bleeding.  Cayenne is also use internally when  added  to herbal formulas it stimulates the action of the other herbs. Warning: Very excessive use can cause damage to the kidneys and lead to pleurisy or gastro-enteritis


  • Natural Remedies Encyclopedia by Vance Ferrell, Harold M. Cherne M.D.
  • WebMD
  • The Health Benefits of Cayenne  by John Heinerman


Read more information about cayenne  here.

Source: see  Heart healthy foods