
Foods Fortified With Sterols:

Foods rich with natural sterols  include corn oil, sunflower oil, many types of beans, corn, peanut butter, olive oil, almonds, oranges, apples, coconut oil , walnut oil, pecan oil, macadamia oil and cottonseed oil. Plant sterols and stanols are substances that occur naturally in small amounts in many grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Research shows eating more fruits/veggies is good for your heart!  Studies show that plant extracts block cholesterol absorption in the gut and can lower LDL levels by 10% without affecting good cholesterol. Helps with blood pressure.

Margarine, soy milk, or orange juice can deliver heart healthy power of vegetables– when they’re fortified with cholesterol-fighting sterols and stanols.  According to the Mayo Clinic, eating foods which have plant sterols added to them may reduce your LDL . Here are some foods fortified with sterols , Minute maid Orange juice, Cookies, Energy bars,Yogurt drinks. Cereals.

You can also get sterols in supplement form. Use under the advice of your Doctors. Natural Source is always best and first choice.

Quick and easy breakfast

Spoonful of Yogurt with Raspberry

Read more: about foods rich in sterols here .

What are sterols and stanols, and does anyone like to eat them? Read more here 

Source: CDC, FDA, WebMD, American Heart Association.Plants that Heal,  Natural Remedies Encyclopedia.
