Prayer~ children, teachers and parents

Dear Lord as the children and teachers head back to school , Please grant them travelling mercy and protection from dangers seen and unseen. Shower them with Your Blessings and fill them with your Love and gratitude towards each other. Take possession of their hearts and minds and let them work conscientiously and diligently with great success. Help them to do acts of kindness and refrain from doing harm to each other. Bless them Lord and help them to be ready for Your kingdom. I lift up the parents to you Lord to Bless them and be with them as they do their daily task at home and work. Give them the knowledge, wisdom and understanding to train up their children in the way they should go. Grant the parents and teachers patience me too Lord. Lord forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Dear LORD  ”renew their strengths and let them mount up with wings as eagles; let them run, and not be weary; let them walk, and not faint”. Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our prayers Amen.