Astringents: Persimmon

Astringents: Persimmon: Contains tannin that dry the intestinal mucosa and mucilage that softens it. Other astringent foods are quince, apple, caimito (star apple), pomegranate, and loquat. Persimmon: a glossy, orange red skinned fruit is an excellent source of vitamin A, and  a good source of vitamin C, and rich in fiber. The entire fruit is edible except for the seed and calyx. It is rich in health promoting nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that are vital for optimum health.

Medicinal Health Benefits of  Persimmon

  • It is used as a traditional Chinese remedy for hiccups.
  • Persimmon cake is also used as a  remedy to treat diarrhea, hemorrhoids, lung infections and asthma.  To make the cake click here & read Health Benefits of Persimmon
  •  The astringent taste of persimmon can help stop diarrhea, reduces sweating, and slows or stops bleeding.
  • Persimmons can help prevent the risk of cancer because it is high in vitamin A .( Beta carotene, the precursor to vitamin A found in vegetables, has antioxidant properties, which means it protects cells from the daily toxic damage of oxidation.
  • It contain compounds known as shibuol and betulinic acid that are thought to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Studies conducted in Japan showed that the skin of the persimmon contains phytochemicals known as proanthocyanidins which may protect cells against oxidative damage associated with aging.


Foods that Health by George D. Pamplona-Roger,M.D.: Wickipedia the free Encyclopedia;  MedlinePlus

More information at CDC- Center for Disease Control