Caimito / Star Apple

Caimito or Star Apple: The fruits are delicious as a fresh dessert fruit; it is sweet and best served chilled. The leaves have been used (tea) against diabetes and articular rheumatism. The fruit has anti-oxidant properties. The bark is considered a tonic and stimulant, and a bark decoction (extraction) is used as an antitussive. The fruit also exist in three colors, dark purple, greenish brown and yellow.

 Star apple -Chrysophyllum cainito is a tropical tree of the family  Sapotaceae, native to the lowlands of Central America and the West Indies. It grows rapidly and reaches 20 m in height. It has numerous common names including cainito, caimito, star apple, golden leaf tree, abiaba, pomme du lait, estrella, milk fruit and aguay. It is also known by the synonym  Achras cainito. In Vietnam, it is called vú sữa (literally: breast-milk).

Decoction is a method of extraction, by boiling, of dissolved chemicals, or herbal or plant material, which may include stems, roots, bark and rhizomes.

Reference:  Foods that Heal; Medical Encyclopedia; Foods the Heal Wikipedia free Encyclopedia