Faith is the Key

Jesus said unto him, ”If thou canst believe, ALL things are possible to him that believeth.” And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, ”I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Mark 9:23-24 (NKJV)
We sinful humans are full of contradictions, like the pessimist and optimist. Our glass is either half full or half empty, depending on our outlook at the time. Thank God that our Lord does not give up on us in frustration because of our recurring wavering between faith and doubt. Whatever face us now Lord Help us by the power of Your Holy Spirit in Your Word to overcome all doubts! Amen
Have a blessed and wonderful day. :) Jesus Loves you.

Good Morning to you! Have a wonderful and blessed day Today. No matter the obstacles; God is with you and will work it out. Remember ”Everything is possible for him who believes” Mark 9:23-24 He can move mountains, He raised the dead and make the blind see again. Thanks for reading my page on Face Book and on the WWW. Please continue to do so and share and like the page. God has really blessed me since my surgery (Transplant) in 2001 Dec Friday the 13th. A new life He JESUS gave me a gift from my daughter and now I live. My 10th birthday is coming up soon and I am shouting, praising and thanking God. Nothing is too BIG for God. Trust and Obey, Believe and have Faith in God. My life is yours Lord Jesus…God Bless you my friends keep smiling. Time to shut up now Beverley. :) Have a nice day!  Thank you!