Victory over SIN










 Is Jesus in your life? Does He have full control? At one point I asked the same question, where at one point I said Jesus was in the front passenger seat of my car and life. Me and Jesus on the road of life. Then I looked in again and saw He moved into the back seat behind me to make room for my friends SIN. Now then as I looked my 5 passenger car began to get full. First came in FORNICATION sat in that front passenger seat then MASTURBATION sat behind next to that came DRUGS my TEMPER and STRESS quickly jumped in. It was at that point I realized that I was in the trunk and all of my friends Sin, were driving the car. Then I looked around and said well at least it’s me and Jesus in the trunk, but as I looked closer He was not even there. They left me a note in the back wall of the trunk that said to make room for you prisoner/passenger we left everything in the trunk in the garage at home don’t worry it’s all safely stored. At this point I was te…rrified as I felt the car aspiring and spinning out of control. JESUS help me please. After the car crashed they left me in the trunk to die and Lo behold Jesus came with the key to get me out! Praise God. He took me out and cleaned me up, fixed the car so new that it looked totally different Jesus then picked me up and placed me in the front passenger and strapped me in. And said let me bring my friend in they can help so in the back seat He placed THE HOLY SPIRIT. He then said that He would drive as I recovered and He would never leave as my personal driver and would always be there if I made the CHOICE. THE HOLY SPIRIT in the back shared words of COMFORT and ENCOURAGEMENT. Now my car was peaceful and the SINS which cause me to crash were long left behind never to be let back in via the new alarm system the BIBLE and the remote control of PRAYER could activate from anywhere at any time. Don’t become prisoner or passenger to SIN kick it out get rid of it. Jesus Loves you and died for us all to have Victory.   I told my SIN In the name of Jesus, I rebuke you! Christ has given me victory over you & as of RIGHT NOW, the friendship between us two is OVER! AMEN Victory over SIN by the Blood of the Lamb which was shed on Calvary ~Godspeed  Philip Shaw