Cancer- Fighting Foods

To pass up on the Meat or Cut back on the meat is very hard to do but for better health and longer longevity it’s really worth trying and get accomplished. ”Fruits, vegetables,nuts and grains prepared in a simple way –free from meat or spice or grease of every kind–constitute the most healthful diet.” From Natural Remedies Encyclopedia pp 60 and Beverley say (some clean meat for the meat lovers ???) I found this article on WebMD, and would like to share it with you. It’s a video and it is very informative . Any time is a good time to improve your chances of a long and healthy life. Make a new start today. Take the first step in getting yourself healthy. Here are  the foods and eating strategies that may help reduce your risk of developing cancer. Here’s my cancer fighting food link  Top Cancer- Fighting Foods

Pass Up the Deli Counter

”An occasional Reuben sandwich or hot dog at the ballpark probably isn’t going to hurt you. But cutting back on processed meats like bologna, ham, and hot dogs may help lower your risk of colorectal and stomach cancers. Also, eating meats that have been preserved by smoking or with salt raises your exposure to agents that can potentially cause cancer”. WebMD