Foods for Your Bones -Greens

Super Foods for Your Bones

Bok Choy  Calcium is plentiful in many vegetables. When shopping go for the dark leafy greens such as bok choy (seen below), Chinese cabbage, and kale. The traditional soul food favorites, turnip greens and collard, these also provide a lot of calcium. Studies show that one cup of chopped, cooked turnip greens has about 200 milligrams of calcium.

Bok ChoyChinese Bok Choy in Basket

SalmonSalmon fillets with sprigs of rosemary

Salmon and other types of fatty fish offer a variety of bone-boosting nutrients. They contain calcium as well as vitamin D, which assists in calcium absorption. They’re also high in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements have been shown to reduce bone loss in elderly women and may prevent osteoporosis. Nuts and Seeds, Soy Foods, Calcium Supplements, Sunshine, Weight-Bearing Exercise, are also great source that help to strengthen the bones