Kiwi fruits are rich in many Vitamins, flavonoids and minerals. They contain a high amount of Vitamin C (more than oranges), as much potassium as bananas and a good amount of beta-carotene. Studies in Italy, performed on 6-7 year old children, have also shown additional health benefits to the respiratory tract. Children that were fed 5-7 portions a week of citrus and kiwifruit had 44% less probability wheezing compared to children eating less than once a week. Shortness of breath was reduced by 32%, night-time cough by 27%, severe wheeze by 41%, chronic cough by 25%, and runny nose by 28%. This result is not only traceable to the content in Vitamin C or Potassium, but in substances which are still largely unknown contained in kiwi fruit.These substances are most likely flavonoids that help protect our cells from oxidative damage, and are therefore considered very helpful in protecting our DNA from mutations and damage radicals, dramatically improving the health of individuals who consumed it regularly against all kinds of disease, from cardiovascular problems to cancer and obesity high amount, which help protect our body against free radicals from all fronts. Kiwi fruits have a high fiber content.The high content in dietary fiber helps improve diseases such as diabetes, by controlling sugar levels, and colon cancer, since fiber binds to toxic compounds in the colon and helps us expel them. Fiber has also been proven to reduce cholesterol levels, improving the lives of patient with cardiovascular diseases. Eat your kiwi fruits today.