This is a devastating disease for families to watch their loved one experience. It is normal for our aged love ones to become forgetful as they get up in age. How can we tell the difference between a harmless “senior moment” from a more serious condition like Alzheimer’s disease?  Studies show that one in eight people 65 years and older have this devastating form of dementia. In its first stages, Alzheimer’s may not be obvious to friends and family. But there are some early warning signs to watch for. Your loved one may forget conversations you just had. He or she may repeat questions that were already answered. He or she may greet you over and over like he/she just seen you, even forgetting a pot on the fire until someone discovered smoke.  Talking from experience..As a Nurse I have cared for patients with this disease and gone through it with friends/family who has family members with Alzheimer’s. This is close to home too. I am hoping that someday there will be a cure for this awful disease that robs you of your memory, destroy the brain. But we serve a Mighty God ”Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases”.  (Psalm 103:2-3) We live in a sinful world and thus we face calamities and afflictions.There are Alzheimer’s support group to help care givers and family members cope with such illness. Read more at  WebMd  about Alzheimer’s here.

“Dementia” is broad term used to describe a set of symptoms, including impairment in memory, reasoning, judgment, language and other thinking skills. Dementia begins gradually in most cases, worsens over time and significantly impairs a person’s abilities in work, social interactions and relationships. Read more here at Alzheimer’s Disease Mayo Clinic If you’re experiencing memory problems, talk to your doctor to get a timely diagnosis and appropriate care.

Sources: WebMd,  Mayo Clinic

MORE  information here Alzheimer’s Foundation of America